Thursday, February 09, 2006

To Blog, or not to Blog!

AY! Time goes quickly. Just a short 2 months and various days ago, I announced my return to blogging. Then, NADA. I do live in the land of "tomorrow."

So, here's my attempt to get it going once again. For some reason, however, all of those thoughts I have had as I washed dishes, did laundry, and swept the floor have seemed to escaped me and I don't know what to write! How crazy! When I let my mind wander as I soak my clothes and dunk them in the new "No-Rinse Downy" I write volumes. In my head I have had a book for what some like to call "mature singles," one for young married women (in their first year, that is), and of course the theme on how to adjust to a culture different than your own. Perhaps they'll materialize one day soon.

Oh, I forgot to mention the one on criticism and learning to shut that mouth! (I've been reading Ephesians very slowly this month and I just can't get over the fact that it's not ok to criticize my friends just because they don't have a clue who Michael Vick is!) Ok, so that's a lame--and fake--example, but I have been smacked about as I read verses in Proverbs about the mouth that speaks when it shouldn't, and about the much needed unity among brothers in Ephesians. Of course, God continues to show me His graciousness, and the learning comes not as rebuke but as a gentle, "Remember Me. Remember My attitude. Live Me!!!" I'm so humbled that He loves me so much!

But...the shoes that need to go in the closet and that pesky eternal dust that most Mexican houses posses need my attention. So, I'll write...tomorrow!

1 comment:

Brandy said...

I miss you Greta!