Thursday, October 21, 2004

I'm A Country Girl!

Yesterday and this morning I gave thanks for those many times growing up that our well ran dry during times of drought! We used to have these times when we would have to go to the church, fill up jugs of good 'ole H2O and use small amounts for bathing, cooking, and flushing toilets. I remember my mom's peaceful attitude about the whole thing! Well, in my house here in Mexico my water pump does not run automatically. I have to plug it in for about 30 minutes a day to run the water to a huge tank on the roof, and from there I get my bathing water, cleaning water, and water for some of my cooking. (I'm either brave or stupid, but I don't like to waste my "good" (drinkable) water on cooking if I know the water will boil for a time anyway! I haven't died yet!) WEEEEEL, apparently the pipe to the pump has a valve I knew nothing about, and so I messed up the pump. For me, that equalled NO RUNNING WATER! Fortunately, the outside water worked so I had plenty to "bathe" with until the landlady fixed the pump. It did make me think about how fortunate I am to live somewhere that has water! What a blessing!

On a totally different subject, I just finished a book called Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? by Carolyn McCulley. (Josh Harris apparently recommended the title--she's not ripping him off!) Excellent read in my opinion. Great for single gals like me (especially those past, um, 29? HA!) and even great for married ladies. She does a wonderful job clarifying what it means to be a godly woman. I plan to read it again soon. Of course, that along with the fifty other books I have going. One day they will all be finished. I wonder if Heaven has a library?!?

So that's that for now. I have my dsl connection back--yet another blessing! Life is so full of blessings and yet I still try to overstuff myself. Stop at FULL AND ENJOY IT! :) Thinkin' out loud here...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Greta! I understand that water thing! Thank goodness for outside water! We have had to use it more than I wish we had! =) Hey, can I borrow that book from you sometime? The one about marriage? Thanks! Have a wonderful day! Rachel =)