Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Christian Life

I'm putting the decades on hold for a few days in order to ponder with Erin. The first point to be pondered: The Chrisitan Life.

I remember a few years ago sitting on a plane headed for Dallas, TX, thinking, "What am I about to do? In a few days, I will officially be dubbed 'missionary' and will begin the countdown to Mexico again." I found myself in a strange place, somewhere between "I want to go but I want to stay." Why would I feel that way if I had known for a year and a half that the moment would come? Answering God's call--one I doubted none--suddenly scared me a little.

The Christian life. Somehow so simple--"Leave everything and follow Me!" At the same time, so complex. (I think Erin already mentioned that, but it's just so true!) Complex, perhaps, because I really don't leave everything and follow Him. The Eve in me wants to grasp onto a little piece of control. The Eve in me wants a little more recognition. The Eve in me...simply wants.

And Christ reminds me..."Every good and perfect gift is from above." Wait for the gift, child, and simply accept it.


1 comment:

Erin said...

How is it that you can say in 3 paragraphs what it takes me TWENTY?!?! And I was writing about simplicity, for cryin' out loud!

I loved your parallel to Eve, BTW.