Monday, January 31, 2005

Haircut, Thinking, Football, and House Church

Got my haircut today. Woo-hoo! Wish I had a picture--it's really cute. Just layers, but it makes all the difference in the world. Funny how a haircut can make or break a woman's day. Now, let's see if I can make it look the same when I style it. That's always the big question! But, seeing as the last hair change I made was in July, it was time for this. If you've known me for any amount of time, you might have noticed that I don't keep one style for too long!

Thinking. Hm. Sometimes I wish I didn't think. Lately I have had to witness a pastor show his obvious lack of devotion to the Lord. Pray for him. I won't put his name here, but you can just pray for "the pastor." I give many thanks to the Lord that my relationship with Him is strong enough that this guy's actions don't affect my relationship with God. But, I do feel for those who idolize the pastor and therefore allow their relationship with God to falter because of what a human does. FOLKS--people have their own wills--we're not puppets. Please don't blame God for things that people do!

Football. On to a happier subject. Looking forward to the Superbowl! Yep, it'll be on network TV here, which is good because I had cable but it disappeared. (Checking into that.) But, we're planning a fun night with spaghetti and whatever my friends choose to bring. No pizza--not because we don't have it here, but because we're all saving money. Gotta do it!!! I'm just sorry Michael Vick, Keion Carpenter, DeAngelo Hall, and the other Virginia Tech guy I don't remember won't be there. :( Sorry Atlanta Fans! Ok, see, I grew up a NY Giants fan and so I'll always have some loyalty there, but Michael Vick is just too stinkin' good for me to NOT pull for Atlanta. There's always next year. I can't believe it's almost over for this season!!! OH NO! No more football for about 7-8 months! What will I do?!?!

I miss my house church. We're going to ask the Lord to provide people to start a new one here in Angel's house. I'm tired of bureaucracy and hierarchy. I want to be able to express my faith with others who express theirs, with NOBODY keeping us from worshiping as we feel led. (See "thinking" above....know what I mean?)

That's that. Have a blessed Monday and, well, Go Patriots! (I had to choose SOMEONE!)

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