Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Erin's All Play

I'm going to start this blog by quoting Brandy Campbell: I love it when people tag me on their blogs. Then, I don't have to be creative about blogging, I just copy other people's ideas!

Ok, so Erin didn't technically "tag" me, but I'll quote her at the end.

1. A friend who has blessed me: Shaaron Brown. Shaaron became my forever friend during a summer of riding a golf cart up steep mountain roads, watching the brightest stars ever shoot through the sky, and countless other adventures. Most of all, she always has encouraged me to live life to the fullest! We still have many adventures on the "to do" list, and Lord willing we'll get 'em done!

2. An unexpected gift: Do frying pans count? :) Some women would get angry and say, "You bought me what?!?" I needed new frying pans badly and Angel got me some cool T-Fal nonstick pans. I love them!

3. A kind word shared with me recently: A 14 your old told his mom that he really liked having me as his teacher in Bible School. Any time a teacher hears those words they go a long way! Having to teach in my second language made the comment even that much more kind!

4. Something that makes me stop and praise God: His constant provision for our needs. We receive practically nothing financially, but I never feel like I'm missing anything! We eat meals that we like and we sleep in a comfy home. It's Matthew 6:33-34 in the flesh!

5. Something I'm looking forward to: A possible vacation in December. PRAY PRAY PRAY!

6. A particular part of me I'm pleased with: My toes. Ok, I know it's shallow of me, but I like the fact that by toes slant quite beautifully! Hee hee hee. Is that weird, or what?!?

7. Something in my life that I wanted but never expected: Meeting and marrying my husband.

8. A place that moved/moves me: Camp Little Cross Roads, Lowesville, VA. God changed my life in many ways in the summers spent in the Blue Ridge Mountains!

9. One thing/person that always makes me smile: The laughter of little kids.

10. Most recent "love note" from God: Mopping the floor today. One of my life verses is 1 Corinthians 10:31. Thanks to a great professor in seminary, I memorized that verse and have tried to carry it out in my life. As I mopped, God seemed to speak to my heart, thanking me for doing what seems like a meaningul task with such joy! Even as I watched the muddy dog-prints disappear from the floor I reflected on how God makes my heart clean when I simply live for Him.

Now...here's the quote from Erin:
"I'm tagging: Well, if you're not sick of me yet, I'll tag you. But then how would I know if you are sick of me unless you leave me a nasty comment? And then I'd just delete it anyway. I call an "All Play."

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